Get your move started with these great packing tips; find out what supplies you'll need, types of boxes available and how to get organized. With the following guides and suggestions, you'll find packing isn't as hard as you first imagined.
Use the right size boxes.
Put heavy items, like books, in small boxes; light items, like linens and
pillows, in bigger ones. (Large boxes packed with heavy items are a common
complaint of professional movers. They not only make the job harder but also
have a better chance of breaking.)
Put heavier items on the bottoms of boxes, lighter items on top.
And if you’re loading the truck yourself, pack heavier boxes first, toward the
front of the truck, for balance.
Don’t leave empty spaces in the boxes.
Fill in gaps with clothing, towels, or packing paper. Movers often won’t move
boxes that feel loosely packed or unbalanced.
Avoid mixing items from different rooms in the same box.
It will make your packing quicker and your unpacking a lot easier, too.
The popularity of home electronic items has added a new dimension for the do-it-yourself packer. Home computers, microwave ovens and stereo systems require special care to ensure they arrive at destination safely. If you saved the original cartons and packing materials in which these items arrived, it is best to repack using those materials. Should you not have these materials, you might want to contact a store selling your particular item and ask if discarded packing materials are available. Your United agent is familiar with current techniques for properly packing electronic items and can assist you with advice or pack the items for you. It is your responsibility to disconnect electronic items prior to packers' arrival.